Work Placement in the Community

SECAD Partnership works with unemployed people/job seekers to match them with suitable work placement opportunities in groups across communities.

  • Rural Social Scheme

    The Rural Social Scheme (RSS) provides income support to low income farmers and fishermen in receipt of long-term social welfare payments.

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    Participants working with specialist camera equipment. Photo credit; Mary Mc Grath, Cork Young Filmakers
  • Care & Repair – Tús supported projects

    The aim of the service is to enable older and vulnerable people (over 65 or with a disability) to remain in their own homes, in their own communities, living as…

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  • Tús – Community Workplace Initiative

    Tús is a community work placement initiative providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people (52 weeks on Jobseekers Allowance). The work placements are provided by community and voluntary organisations in…

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    Work Placement in the Community Case Studies