Managing Community Benefit Funds

Building on 25 years of experience in the administration of funding and working with communities to enable them to access investment funds, SECAD began administering Community Benefit Funds on behalf of semi state and corporate bodies in 2015, as a Grant Making Organisation (GMO). Some of these bodies include ESB, Coillte, NTR, Oriel, EirGrid and RWE. SECAD provides its GMO service for a growing number of Community Benefit Funds across Ireland.

  • Celtic Interconnector Community Benefit Fund

    EirGrid is the nationally owned operator and developer of the electricity transmission grid in Ireland

    Learn More
  • Community Benefit Funds

    Building on 25 years of experience in the administration of funding and working with communities to enable them to access investment funds

    Learn More
    Community Engagement Services Logo

    Managing Community Benefit Funds Case Studies