Celtic Interconnector Community Benefit Fund

EirGrid is the nationally owned operator and developer of the electricity transmission grid in Ireland. Their task is to deliver a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity – now, and in the future. As part of their work to achieve this, a key national infrastructural energy project, the Celtic Interconnector, is planned to commence construction in parts of the East Cork area in early 2023.

In recognition of the support of local communities and the temporary disruption which may be caused during the construction phase, EirGrid has created a €2.4 million Community Benefit Fund to be invested in communities in the project area over the period 2023-2026. The fund, which will be delivered in phases over the project period, will focus on three core streams:

i) community
ii) sustainability
iii) biodiversity

SECAD Partnership have been appointed Fund Administrators for the Community Benefit Fund and will be working in partnership with EirGrid, the Celtic Interconnector Community Forum and local communities to deliver the fund over the project period.

The first round has closed and that the next round is due to open end 2024/early 2025.

EirGrid & SECAD Partnership Biodiversity Webinar

On Wednesday, 12th June 2024, EirGrid and SECAD Partnership hosted a webinar to provide information to communities about how to develop biodiversity projects in their area. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing here.