Launch of ‘Food Fusion’ integration project to celebrate cultural diversity through food

Thanks to all who came to the launch of Food Fusion at FEAST Food Festival on Saturday, 9th September in Midleton. ‘Food Fusion’ is an integration project to celebrate cultural diversity through food.  The project is supported by the Communities Integration Fund and the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme.

Join the next phase of the Food Fusion project to learn about food from around the world, meet new people and make new friends through a shared love of food! Join a meeting at MY Place, Mill Rd., Midleton on Wednesday, 20th September, 27th September & Wednesday, 11th October from 9.45am -11.30am.  Contact Nuala at SECAD on 021 4613432 or

Download recipes of food demonstrated at the launch event here.

Find out more about getting involved in the Food Fusion project here.